On-line Courses


Under development

Learning from


Action and Research

I wish to share my more than three decades of experience in financial trading by way of e-learning courses to be sold at not more than the price of a Pizza.

The objective is to empower the self-motivated and self-starters make a career in trading either by working for others (as trading assistants, proprietary traders, analysts, quants or algorithmic traders) or for self (personal investment or home business) deploying own financial resources.

No finance qualification or even an university degree is needed for a person to acquire finance training through our planned courses. Specific course using mobile trading platform for the benefit of technologically-challenged people will also be developed. It is very important to understand the core concepts and terminology before plunging into paper-trading.

We have built no-nonsense investment systems that will help a layperson understand the world’s financial markets and trade for living or part-time income. In both cases, it will not be a hit-and-run kind of strategy. Only highly-motivated learners can make it.

Collaboration Offer to those looking for a career development in financial trading either as a trainer, educator or algo programmer

I am looking for highly-motivated people who are keen on learning financial trading and possess any skills that can help me develop e-trading lab, algo programming platform and e-learning or video lessons or webinars.

Skills required are relating to:

  • 01. Setting up of virtual Financial markets Trading and Futures Options Strategy Laboratory: Video demonstrations on both desktop-based and mobile financial trading platforms in general and Metratrader 4 and Interactive Broker's TWD and IBKR.

02. Production of video/ e-learning lessons using screen recording of PP slides, charts, info-graphics, illustrations, graphics and text, quizzes, etc .

03. Providing audio and video narration: Making voice-overs for the video lessons and webinars on trading.

04. Algorithmic (algo) programming for Interactive Brokers and Metatrader using their APIs or trading platforms in any suitable programming language..

05. Excel and VBA programming related to financial trading and modelling.

I will personally mentor them free of cost in exchange of their time for helping me produce inexpensive e-courses for the learning community with no obligation to work for me in future since I have no commercial agenda.

By the time they complete producing the courses, they would be in a position to trade by themselves and demonstrate live trading publicly.

If they have oratorical skills, they can become educators as well.

Apply as Mentee

The emphasis, I repeat, is on LEARNING and DOING it. Exploring, experimenting, taking action and researching is part of it.

The idea is to just act and by repeated actions develop guts, overcome fear and keep the mind uncluttered and stress-free. Information overload most of the times makes us indecisive.

The entire focus will be on sharpening decision making capability of the investor/trader and it will be essential that they don't get carried away by market noise and lures of making fast buck.

Learning curve will be such that they will be able to achieve capability to create trade ideas, analyse and execute - all in less than 15 minutes without doing any particular homework except reading geopolitical news headlines on a daily basis for 10 minutes. Money management will provide them the edge.

Mobile platforms, particularly those driven by texting and voice recognition, will be used for execution . Any technologically-challenged person would as well be able to analyse and execute trades quickly in a matter of minutes.